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Hapkido Philosophy

Hapkido Philosophy

Hapkido Philosophy emphasises the integration of mind, body and spirit. It drives to the perfection of human character; social responsibility; and the appropriate use of force.

Internal energy development is fundamental to increased health and greater efficiency in self-defence techniques.

“Ki” plays an important part in Hapkido training. The word itself is untranslatable, although it is often described as the “vital energy” or “life force” that charges the universe, flowing through and animating all things.

Ki is said to give the world substance, through its manifestation in the 5 elements – wood, fire, metal, water and earth.

Hapkido’s diverse range of techniques was largely developed for self-defence and to provide a framework for the perfection of character by integrating mental, physical and spiritual values.

Physical techniques are characterised by a constant flow of striking, blocking, holding and throwing techniques. Constant motion and fluid circular movements are designed to blend with an opponent’s force.

Tactics often alternate between highly aggressive and defensive modes, with power being generated through the use of one’s entire body. Hapkido utilises about 1100 core techniques, which are modified or combined to create thousands of variations.

Hapkido is often identified by its many unusual and spectacular kicks. Hapkido’s extremely practical and versatile nature has led to its wide use by law enforcement and military professionals, as well as by the general public.

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